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College of Health Sciences - UK CHS Graduate and Professional Student Relief Endowed Fund
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UK CHS Graduate and Professional Student Relief Fund

Supporters of the UK College of Health Sciences Graduate and Professional Student Relief Endowed Fund help provide financial assistance to UK College of Health Sciences graduate and professional students who are facing significant hardship due to unforeseen financial emergencies. Situations include, but are not limited to, accidents, medical or dental emergencies, deaths, safety issues, natural disasters, travel emergencies and need for temporary housing due to unanticipated events. A student, for example, was able to receive support when she took a leave of absence from her part-time job to care for a family member critically injured in a car accident.

To help alleviate short-term financial needs, funds are awarded as grants although students benefiting from this gift are encouraged to share their gratitude by considering ways to “pay it forward" in the future, perhaps by donating to the endowment funding their grant.

Your Gift Will Be Matched!

A generous donor has pledged to match the first $1,000 dollars given to the UK College of Health Sciences Graduate and Professional Student Relief Endowed Fund!

Thanks To Our Recent Donors!